What is news?
At the lesson of International Journalism we touched one topic that forced me to think about what will the "news" and is only all new and fresh things will be "news?".So, everyday we face to some happenes in schools, universities, works, may be in transport, at streets, and will be it interesting to all people. Ofcourse you will come to home and tell about everything to relatives, or phone to friends, but it will be interesting only for them. How about fact that you read in The Internet; looking at the title, you will choose whether it attracts you or not.
One day, while going to home, I was the witness of unpleasant situation. The bus was full of people and at the beging there was two girls who were sitting. Few minutes later the aged women entered into transport. No one give place to her and she began to curse plus use bad language, at this time girls sat as nothing was happened. Women didn't stop and offend and insult them, even when girls leave the bus she hitted them, and little battle began.
So this story is fresh, but happend everyday, and if it will be published in the newspaper, nobody will be read it, as about accident on the road.
Journalists everyday faced to problem where find news. And it very hard to choose will be it readble and interesting.
And how about new that was in the past and should we returned to it again. The bright examle is terract in US, this year where 5 anniversary and I published some article in me blog. People in differrent way considered this story. 5 years ago everything where differ than nowadays. For example attitude to Arabian coumtries, to president of USA and so on. So in different situations we should come back to past events.
Another topic is differnent spheres of live. Some people like sport, others politics.... So there different types of journalists. Not in every newspaper will be written about entertainments or fashion. May be I'm not right, but in this types of newspapers or journals much more easier to find news, and decide whether it news or not.
Every person have own opinion and I can't tell about is there truth and right answer, but our lives is news and we can make it interesting with many adventures. So take care and be happyyyyy
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